Who am I & how can I help you?​

Who am I & how can I help you?

Hello lovely lady! I’m Dana Winters, the Founder of Thrivekin. Can I tell you a quick story?  

A few years back I wasn’t doing too great in the health department.  

I knew what I was supposed to be eating… umm hello Google.  

But Google doesn’t slap the M&Ms out of your sticky hands when you're behind at work and can’t make it to the salad bar. 

It also doesn’t kick you in the booty when you eat the leftovers off your kiddo’s Paw Patrol plate. Cold chicken nuggets are eww by the way, especially the gluten-free kind.  

Problem is, it’s hard to wipe out years of doing the same thing over and over again. Bad habits are the hardest to break. Just ask the 21-year-old me who used to smoke or the 27-year-old me who used to pound Red Bulls to get through the day. Oh and don’t forget the 32-year-old me who used to drink a small (ok HUGE) glass of wine every night after her kiddos went to sleep.  

Bad habits don’t care if you have to upgrade to a larger pant size or can’t play with your kiddos because “mommy has a headache”. They’re relentless.  

Fortunately, I was able to turn all that around but HOLY MOMMA OF YOGA PANTS, it was super hard. I mean, I gave up Mountain Dew for green smoothies, for heaven's sake people!

Between momming, working, wife-ing and other-ing there was little time to dig through all the interweb noise… and bad advice from well-meaning friends.

That’s why I created ThriveTribe.   

It’s the one place where you can get all the support you need and not lose your ever-loving mind (or your life’s savings).  

Where perfection is a cuss word and messy buns are encouraged (no judgment).  

A place you can go for support when your inner circle might not understand why you want to trade Cheetos for carrots and hummus. Someone really needs to make a Cheetos flavored hummus. I digress.  

A place to step away from the hype, the fads, and diets that demonize food groups and each other.   

(Sweet potatoes, we see you and we still love you!)  

A place to find healthier choices while not depriving yourself (or your fam) of the stuff you like.   

Where transformation happens… but on your time.   

Where foot massages are a daily activity and the bathroom is always “guest ready.”   

(I kid… but dang wouldn’t it be nice?)

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Practical Videos
I share tips and advice on topics that are most important and relevant to you.

Thrivekin Newsletters
Every week, I will send you the most up-to-date information to improve your mental, physical, and emotional health right to your inbox!

Daily Posts
Every day, you can expect a brand new post on topics that matter to you. Topics about Womanhood, Pregnancy, and Mamahood are the focus. Learn about the best supplements to take, what superfoods are actually not all that super, how to make your own baby food, what healthiest snacks are, and much more!

Personal Nutritional Life Coaching
New members get a free 30 minute virtual coaching session with me. Members are welcome to purchase additional individual sessions or a package of sessions to continue their growth.

I'm Dana Winters

Founder of Thrivekin, LLC, cycling fiend, lover of green smoothies and all things personal growth. I have two sons ages 5 and 3. I never knew that tiny humans could have so much energy!
I currently have a practice in Illinois and have been seeing patients since 2012. I'm an introvert that loves 1:1 time with my favorite people and my goal in life is to empower other women and help them step into their light. Not just dip their toes in it, but immerse their entire selves fully and wholeheartedly. I don't play small and I don't want to see other women play small either. ThriveTribe is everything I wanted and needed as a young woman and mom. I am here to help create the future you have always wanted. It's time for you to be the very best version of yourself. XOXO

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