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Meet Dana

Welcome to Thrivekin!

I’m Dana Winters, Owner of Thrivekin, LLC. I am a Nutrition Therapy Practitioner and mother of 2 energetic boys. I created Thrivekin to help women find a healthy balance in this crazy, busy world!

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“In a rut? Need some motivation and support? Who doesn’t?! I created an epic community for women looking to live a healthy lifestyle free of perfection. You in?

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The Post that Went Viral


I am extremely passionate about infant health. So much so, that I hold a special certification for infant/child nutrition. I wrote a post titled “Skip The Rice Cereal for Baby” that became wildly popular on Facebook. It has been shared over 7,000 times reaching over a million people.

Are you tired of figuring out what to eat every day? How to feed your family healthy without the complaining? Meal Planning is a lifesaver for so many of my clients. Sign up today and get 20% off your first month.

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